Oh my goddddd! Oh my godddddnessss~ ><
I'd really darn long long~ time never back to my blog for visit ALL of u!!
I do miss u all so so so muchiessssssss..
Lazy to upload photo at blog because of 'ma fan' neh! only can do it 1 time in 5 piece.
Anyhow, I try! I try to update my blog always.. =P
09.04.2010 (Thursday)
Elise and Edward planned to have drinks for us to meet up.. and we do called Gibson too!~
not much photo we snap, but still could share a little here with yours :)
The raining night we hang out, me and Elise keep kacau-ing on Siu Keong by phone on his facebook wall. lolx
How crazy was us in the cafe, laugh non-stop and planned what to kacau him. That's bad he'd DELETE all the posted, if not yours cam visit his wall and have look.
I'd really darn long long~ time never back to my blog for visit ALL of u!!
I do miss u all so so so muchiessssssss..
Lazy to upload photo at blog because of 'ma fan' neh! only can do it 1 time in 5 piece.
Anyhow, I try! I try to update my blog always.. =P
09.04.2010 (Thursday)
Elise and Edward planned to have drinks for us to meet up.. and we do called Gibson too!~
not much photo we snap, but still could share a little here with yours :)
The raining night we hang out, me and Elise keep kacau-ing on Siu Keong by phone on his facebook wall. lolx
How crazy was us in the cafe, laugh non-stop and planned what to kacau him. That's bad he'd DELETE all the posted, if not yours cam visit his wall and have look.
Friday, 09 April 2010
I am moody without reason, I am unhappy because my brain was EMPTY!!
What's going on my class?? Why those LONG HAIR like to make trouble..
Even I am "long hair" too~ but I seriously afraid of THEM...
p/s: HUMAN are really hard to serve. "Long Hair"(Women)-Dangerous, Noise and Trouble. "Short Hair"(Men)-full with ANGIN!! haix~~~~
I am tried hardly to do my own best in class, tried to ignore some STUPID + CRAZY & BRAINLESS attitude + talking..
Today, myself volunteer to do Facial Cleansing and Facial Massage for my course-mate Pihyazhi Khor but I did no enough concentrate and failed on step "Tinting"!!
I did careless, put too much of Day Cream on her eye and it flow into her eye's~ She did shout pain and do hold me hand. Oh my godness!! my dear, I do really SORRY to make u feeling pain on EYE, wish you won't stamp unhappy on mind.
I really wish someone could SLAP me hard! What's going on me this few day?? Why did I out of soul?? Why did I no enough CONCENTRATE in class??!!! Myself also couldn't find the ANSWER.. Anyone who knew me, could u tell me WHY??.....
Share some photo which I took recently as below,
Saturday, 10.04.2010
Weekend of class, make up time! Today I did be the model Fantasy Make up.
My make-up artist- Jane Ng did what I like! That's look nice seriously~ ^^
Weekend of class, make up time! Today I did be the model Fantasy Make up.
My make-up artist- Jane Ng did what I like! That's look nice seriously~ ^^
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