Thursday, October 21, 2010

I'm BACK!!

Hello! Hello!~ everybody...... I'm BACK!!!!! ◕‿◕

it's been LONG I didn't update my blog post, sorry for reason lazy and busy to blog about but now I do.

Here I want share everyone my recent looks... It's just some random photos, at least I updated my blog :D


Wednesday, May 5, 2010

.: My rich and hapinness Sunday ♥ :.

Sunday, 02 May 2010

I got a Lucky Sunday, a Happy Weekend to enjoyed with my beloved Family.

Early in the morning, all my family members and me visit to my old house which state at Taman Selayang Baru for Dato's Gong "拿督公" praying events. The day I meet few of my old neighbors. Long time never meet them, seem like strange already :(

this is the mysterious which I mention, Dato's Gong
it's talk in Malay, so we ready all the Halal Food. This is Nasi Briyani
my puppy sister, named Fei Fei
she always very LC wan~
my cousin's keep busy on his new GPS
Mr. Jeff ugly face... keke XD
the Guinness flow out itself.
Fate?? Dato's is drinking the alcohol..
we playing on my nephew buttocks
this is HE, Buttocks owners
ready for eat
in the hot weather. Iced Beer is always my daddy needed ^^

After the praying events ended, we go back home for a bath then continue our DAY~


We heading down to KL for visit my Aunty who stay behind Time Square. It's time my Lucky is coming ~ I saw a goods which I need and my mum's bought it for me.^^

Ta Da~~~~~~~~~~~

Make Up Box!! Pink color sumore~ nice??? XD

. Lucky . Lucky . Lucky . Lucky . Lucky .

My cousin bought me this also!!~ XD
Khalil Fong Tai Tong "TIMELESS" Concert 2010 Live in Malaysia VVIP seat Ticket......

That's few pieces, tptal amount RM3624.00. I really felt shame to got that few of VVIP seat ticket. Because it's really spend lot of $$$$$$$$$~

Anyhow, I gotta Thanks lot to my beloved cousin!! You're the person I respect and L♥ve always... ^^

Dinner time!!
My cousin spend us dinner at Plus One ShabuShabu at Jalan Imbi. Even not really nice, but I still enjoy it! Because I can stay with them, FAMILY ^^

I got a rich and cheerful SUNDAY that I LOVE~ ♥ .. XD

Thursday, April 22, 2010

原来是一场攻心计 >.<"



时间慢慢的过,我也没去理会所谓的谣言。我很喜欢去上课,很喜欢班上的同学,很喜欢老师的教导。正当我很享受上课的,班上就慢慢有“说话带刺”等等的问题出现了。E和XY原本是好朋友,却因为一些误会而变成了仇人。当中的误会都是被某人挑拨离间,搞得班上多多事。那个某人真的演戏一流咯!非常适合去演“宫心计”了... 她篇了一个故事让大家都活得没有安全感,出门去到哪里都提心吊胆。弄得我每晚都在担心,压力,睡不着甚至还做噩梦了!每天都在想,想,想,很多的为什么???怀疑点有一些些。。。


现在,大家都知道到底发生了什么事!到底是谁在搞鬼,是谁在篇故事。开心!终于大家可以成回好朋友,不必再“不喜欢,不想去学校了”!嘻嘻~ ^.^

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Anyone can Teach me what should I do...??

I dunno how could I write out all about my life in this few days. It's happened HAPPY and UNHAPPY too. It will be a very long~~~~~ story, and I admit lazy to truth out all about the life's to the trusted person - BLOG. ><

Because of my course-mate, I worried.
Because of my course-mate, I stressed.
Because of my course-mate, I can't sleep well every night.
Because of my course-mate, I cried.
Because of my course-mate, I am not really in mood everyday.
Because of my course-mate, I meet nightmare~
Because of my course-mate, I going to be CRAZYyyyyyyy soon!!!

Kind of Brainless + Crazy + Childish + No Manners person, we all really dunno how to settle down. She just made all of us critical danger. My course-mate (girls) get beat up by 6 guys on road. My course-mate got threaten. I just want to protect myself and all of them I really stressed and worry everyday every night.
Beware when hang out, afraid people come around and beat up. Beware to talk to her, afraid she "opposite" our talking and complaint to her mum and friends.

How can I have a nice sleep?
How can I not to worry that much?
How can I find back the feel "I love to go Academy"?

I am just worry once awake from sleep every morning. I afraid what will happen to anyone of us on the next. Afraid what she going to acting INDIAN movie on class. OMFG!!! who can save me?? and I admit I really really do TIRED~ ;(

Sunday, April 18, 2010


最近我都躲在房里看我的DVD,妈咪告诉我“怎么你们老是躲在房里,弟弟妹妹也一样。整个家都不像家了!” 一直以来很注重家里的我,尊重家人的我听了就把DVD拿到客厅里去看。

星期六晚上,我表哥从新山来我就决定不出门去,留在家里陪大家。一直以来表哥也很喜欢看“超级星光大道”,那么我就把DVD开了大家一起看。看到一半,表哥因为要谈生意就出门去一下下。剩下我,爸爸和妈咪继续看。看到一半,妈咪问道: "怎么电视那么多戏不看,看DVD呢?要看DVD回房里去看"。我真的搞不懂,又说我常躲房里,现在我出来客厅妈咪又赶我回房间去!我和爸爸看得爽爽的,就没听妈咪的继续看到半夜4-5点。(表哥也大概11点多回来继续看到半夜,所以妈咪也没有吵了。)


我就继续看我的DVD“超级星光大道第6帮”。妈咪就在这时候醒了,她说要看新闻,我告诉她做完了。甚至还停播DVD转到ASTRO去,证明给妈咪看,那已经做完了她说,新闻11点半做我说是十点半,已经播完了~ 她很气,丢枕头然后回房间去把门当气筒大大力的关。砰!一声很大声....

一时一样的妈咪,让我不知该怎样了。我在想“女儿”我真的不会当了! T.T

- 难过 -


Just want to Live in HAPPY LIFE!!

Few days before, I am indulge in flights of fancy about a guy's talks.
He just made me feeling good to him, but I think I need to get a truth answers for myself to feel relieved. I did send a message to him by mobile phone wrote as below,

Ding Dong, anybody home there ya?? I feeling to ask u a question here~
May I know what kind of friend we could to be?? A normal friends?? OR we could developed to be in relationship?? I just wanna make sure how u feel to me, and what can I do on the next.

and He did replied me like this,

I prefer normal friend is better, cos I don't feel like wanna get into relationship yet! I enjoy my single life right now. And hope u got a sweet days!~

When I got a replied message from him, I wonder how I doesn't feel any disappointed. This is not alike me!! Maybe I am wearing the heart "JUST HAVE A TRY? or JUST PLAYFUL?" Oh My GODness~ How bad I could think like that???

Haixxxx~ I feel so SINGLE LIFE is better for me. That's good for don't to hurt anyone, and never happen to me to think that much! Maybe some people agree what I say, or maybe no?? But anyhow, I just wanna live in HAPPY LIFE!! ^^

ENJOY MY SINGLE LIFE!! muackssssss

Saturday, April 17, 2010


I was watching DVD movie "HACHIKO" alone at room. It's a dog's true story of faith, devotion and undying love.. DVD's noted "BE Sure To Take Tissues!." How bad I'd ready myself to beware tear down but I failed to did it! and I did cry hardly~ T.T

"Hachiko", the loyalty dog waiting for his Master every 5pm middle of Train Station.
It's feel sad on movie stage when he's keep waiting for his master Parker everyday at middle of Train Station until he dead in aged old...
My towel was almost wet by my tear on that moment!

I wish I don't to hurt my puppy Beagles heart and let her WAIT alone there for me...~ T.T

Thursday, April 15, 2010

I'd oledi Solve My Puzzle finally..

Finally, I got Solve my heart Puzzle!!~
I do really happy while I knew clear about everything...

Our chatting was as below,

- wei shien - says:

do mind i ask u a question?

He says:


- wei shien - says:

when is ur b'day?

He says:

1st of october

- wei shien - says:

so do u mind i sms u when i do miss u?

He says:

no problem ya...

- wei shien - says:


He says:

you're welcome!

- wei shien - says:

may i know how do u feel to me? and i really wish to know

He says: are nice and friendly

- wei shien - says:


but i wish to know bt our chatting 2 days b4, r u seriously bt tat?

He says:


wat for i wanna to lie u ya...

im telling u the truth...

- wei shien - says:

may i know what's the truth u telling me??

He says:

that u are kind and friendly lo..

- wei shien - says:


funniest u n me

u cant catch up wat i trying to ask u

He says:


then wat are u trying to ask ya

- wei shien - says:

try to reflect back wat u going to told me b4

n now im go direct n doesn't turn here n there

He says:


u go to direct way...coz cant reflect few days back,,,

- wei shien - says:

yeap! all rite ^^

we chat bout relationship.

He says:


that is a way for me to telling white lies with u...

- wei shien - says:


He says:


- wei shien - says:

but how if i feel to have try wit u? how will u think?

since i m using the direct way, i just tell u the truth

actually since i broke with my ex 1 year + before, guys are looking at me.

and i got no feel with them den rejected all

u r the person who appear sudden, n i feel not bad...

so i'd the abrupt action to tell u this, cos i dun hope to lose my chance

He says:


it might be not the right timing...

since we are still like the acquantance friend...

- wei shien - says:

yup. we just start from friend

He says:


tats good for us,....

- wei shien - says:

yeap~ n i m not the girl who like to go over direct

start from frens is better way for us

He says:


tat great

- wei shien - says:

hehe.. great to have u

It's really cool that I using another way to get HIM. Kao Zai!! lolx...
Quite hard job for me, but I'll try my best to be FRIEND with him =)
Support!! I need support and idea to share me how to be a nice girlfriend~~ hehe

p/s: I guess I'll give up at the half way. Because that's really challenge me ><

Wednesday, April 14, 2010




在几个月前,我和朋友们一起去了夜店玩遇上了另一班很久不见的朋友。在很久不见的朋友之中有一个和我比较要好,他名字叫P。当他的朋友们看到我的时候都把我作弄叫我 “P嫂” 。当时的我听了就真的软掉了~ 因为又一群朋友拿我来开玩笑,但有些人会以为真的却把我给误会!

几天前,那男的主动在facebook里找我聊天。我们聊得蛮愉快的,并问候对方最近过得怎么样等等... 正当聊到有没有男女朋友时...












心中出现的答案总是“不知道”。是我太笨了吗? @.@

这一幕,我连在睡梦里都梦到我们在一起!天啊!~ 你不要和我开这种玩笑好吗?><" 怎么会让我梦到这种事情呢?这会让我想太多~ T.T


但是 ... 我该争取机会试一试吗?

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Beer make me ADDICTED!!

Smooth German Beer I tried Beer Franziskaner and Beer Erdinger at Manjalara German Pub. Even that's light taste I tried, but still could made me MISS about it! Stupid beer made me ADDICTED again~ >.<

Darker Erdinger, Light Franziskaner and Darker Franziskaner

I miss HOEGAARDEN very berry MUCH!!!~

Wake up! Wei Shien, don't think about it anymore..
You can throw it away! Gambatte~

Kind of people I meet in Life

I wonder why PEOPLE like to do kind of "bad movement" behind us...??
She did everything bad, everything to oppose strongly and everything people dislike but complaint to President!!

I can't totally BLAME on her because she's still young, was now age 19 still in teenage year. Everything she did is just very childish and with heart JEALOUS-ing. I wonder why her mum's could listened all her story but never check clearly den come over our Academy or direct call to HQ for COMPLAINT! **faint

Finally, I meet a kind of funniest + BRAINless person in my life! She's the 2nd one I meet.. XD
The 1st person unable to share yours, because I nowan to make trouble in my happy life~ =P


Bad! It's very Bad! I am addicted on BEER again recently.. I'll try my best to SABAR, SABAR, and SABAR~ not to touch on it much! =P

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Long time no see..

Oh my goddddd! Oh my godddddnessss~ ><

I'd really darn long long~ time never back to my blog for visit ALL of u!!
I do miss u all so so so muchiessssssss..

Lazy to upload photo at blog because of 'ma fan' neh! only can do it 1 time in 5 piece.
Anyhow, I try! I try to update my blog always.. =P


09.04.2010 (Thursday)

Elise and Edward planned to have drinks for us to meet up.. and we do called Gibson too!~
not much photo we snap, but still could share a little here with yours :)

The raining night we hang out, me and Elise keep kacau-ing on Siu Keong by phone on his facebook wall. lolx
How crazy was us in the cafe, laugh non-stop and planned what to kacau him. That's bad he'd DELETE all the posted, if not yours cam visit his wall and have look.

Elise busy-ing on facebook
my dearea
before we back hommeeee


Friday, 09 April 2010

I am moody without reason, I am unhappy because my brain was EMPTY!!
What's going on my class?? Why those LONG HAIR like to make trouble..
Even I am "long hair" too~ but I seriously afraid of THEM...
p/s: HUMAN are really hard to serve. "Long Hair"(Women)-Dangerous, Noise and Trouble. "Short Hair"(Men)-full with ANGIN!! haix~~~~
I am tried hardly to do my own best in class, tried to ignore some STUPID + CRAZY & BRAINLESS attitude + talking..

Today, myself volunteer to do Facial Cleansing and Facial Massage for my course-mate Pihyazhi Khor but I did no enough concentrate and failed on step "Tinting"!!
I did careless, put too much of Day Cream on her eye and it flow into her eye's~ She did shout pain and do hold me hand. Oh my godness!! my dear, I do really SORRY to make u feeling pain on EYE, wish you won't stamp unhappy on mind.

I really wish someone could SLAP me hard! What's going on me this few day?? Why did I out of soul?? Why did I no enough CONCENTRATE in class??!!! Myself also couldn't find the ANSWER.. Anyone who knew me, could u tell me WHY??.....

Share some photo which I took recently as below,

kena BOOM!
my best friend named Ah Head
Rachel > Esthar > Vanessa > Jane > Pihyazhi Khor > me
yeng dao~
Gum-ing misai
Mang-kali Heng Dai
make up artist - Jane Ng
Mr Guru found his gf.. she's sweet~
My tutors - Sharon Ang


Saturday, 10.04.2010

Weekend of class, make up time! Today I did be the model Fantasy Make up.
My make-up artist- Jane Ng did what I like! That's look nice seriously~ ^^

Fantasy Make up
Pei Wen and me
Vanessa and me
three of us
New course-mate = Maybee
Pei Wen, Vanessa, New Course-mate (Joey) and me
another us~

- END -