Sunday, April 18, 2010

Just want to Live in HAPPY LIFE!!

Few days before, I am indulge in flights of fancy about a guy's talks.
He just made me feeling good to him, but I think I need to get a truth answers for myself to feel relieved. I did send a message to him by mobile phone wrote as below,

Ding Dong, anybody home there ya?? I feeling to ask u a question here~
May I know what kind of friend we could to be?? A normal friends?? OR we could developed to be in relationship?? I just wanna make sure how u feel to me, and what can I do on the next.

and He did replied me like this,

I prefer normal friend is better, cos I don't feel like wanna get into relationship yet! I enjoy my single life right now. And hope u got a sweet days!~

When I got a replied message from him, I wonder how I doesn't feel any disappointed. This is not alike me!! Maybe I am wearing the heart "JUST HAVE A TRY? or JUST PLAYFUL?" Oh My GODness~ How bad I could think like that???

Haixxxx~ I feel so SINGLE LIFE is better for me. That's good for don't to hurt anyone, and never happen to me to think that much! Maybe some people agree what I say, or maybe no?? But anyhow, I just wanna live in HAPPY LIFE!! ^^

ENJOY MY SINGLE LIFE!! muackssssss

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