Time : 09:00pm
Location : DELIcious, Kuala Lumpur
The organiser is ME!!! hehe...
The restaurant are recommended by my collegue, is he suggest me to DELIcious which state at KL for celebrate my ex-boyfriend birthday.
Before I access the restaurant, I was suprise how's the shop is no customer???
my brain are just empty. ( =.=""")
Formerly, the ground floor was the small market of DELIcious.
It was named DELIcious Ingredients.
Let's show the small market of DELIcious.
There was comfortable restaurant which main decorate with WHITE and bird cage.
It gives a sort of ambience that allows their customer to sit there whole day chatting or listening to their MP3 and blog.
There have few kind of foods. All are DELICIOUS lo~!!!!
(Exp: Asam Laksa, Steak, Nasi xxx, Sandwich, Burger and bla bla bla)
me and eugene

jin wen n me
birthday boy - kim yoong
Eugene n me
thr33 of us
gibson n me
fatt hao??

yoohoo!! my turn to eat...
After meal, It's time for Kim Yoong la!!

Happy Birthday, Kim Yoong
May all your dreams come true =)
Delicious?? Tiramisu...
all of us
I'm shouldn't in the middle... but the birthday boy rejected =.=


ready home

smoking time (but it's only for Eugene n Gibson)
After meal, It's time for Kim Yoong la!!
Nice restaurant =) how about the food?
Restaurant named DELIcious, of course the food are same. =)
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