Feeling very no enough sleep on the Sunday.
Last night i was rush my DVD of Drama "Moonlight Resonan" last 10 episod until time 3.45am something.
This morning, my daddy was awake us early morning on time 10.00am.
That's really feeling nowan to waked up! But no idea, Sunday was family day... Should to accompany my family as well... ^.^
We having our breakfast at Kepong Ulu Restaurant Tao Yuan. After that, we got no place to go.
Dunno where to go... Dunno what to do...
Den i suggest to my Aunt 2 house at Bougevilla Condominium (beside Time Square). Cos had long time never visit their home oredi. Miss them so much lu... hehe....
We stay at Aunt 2 house for few hours, for chatting with my cousin n aunt, played with my baby nephew, watching Astro On Demand n bla bla bla..
All my baby nephew was growing so fast.. Really different faces went full moon lo~
I was really long never meet them liao... haiz.. Paiseh orh! cos no time to visit your house as well nie~ hehe....
Aiks!!!!!~ "8" till forgot to took photo with yours tim! Lao Ah Ma memories was again back!~
Nvm ba~ must remember next time when meet le...
When time 5.00pm something, we left from aunty house.
Daddy was asking weather having dinner? That was still early, but daddy suggest to PJ Restaurant Good Old Days "旧阵时" den we just accept wat his suggested.
That was really a special design for a the restaurant, all Old School Design weR~~
Included their uniform too!! hehe.....
Let I show yours below :-

Good Old Days Restaurant @ PJ

pretty old school design

water wheel view at the restaurant

i love this...

my love room~

donkey?? or horse?? i think is DOG... hehe =P

Branded Sony old school TV. Really 'Gu Dong'

old school kitchen

ngao ngao....

zhu lan & ngao lan, old style bicycle also..

water well

the menu with price to let u tick by urself

address for the restaurant

we use this to drink chinese tea

tasty sotong

the waiter & younger bro


daddy car & eldest bro car
A bad news i need to inform...
This restaurant will only open till this coming tuesday den close it for few weeks, cos got to change thier style to maybe steamboat.
I knew this was let inform by the stuff Restaurant Good Old Days.
After dinner was still early, my sister dun feeling to back home.
Aiks!! im feeling damn tired, however she suggest to 1U for shopping!! aiyaya......
My daddy was agree to bring us go... I really big head liao~~~~~
Just can follow lo......
Went 1U let 2 different ham sap lou molest my bunttock la!!
I'd try to 'shim' them edi... but i lost to job tat!! cos tat was small road, so the ham sap lou try to way to me!
The other ham sap lou was use to ham sap me while the people was crowded! haiz....
angry angry!! how come 1U become that messy nowaday na??
Suggest visit to 1U with police next time!! wakaka.........
i sot jor na~~~~~~~~