Even my back muscles was feeling painful,
but i still feel to head Midvalley for shopping...
I want to buy my Chinese New Year stuff!!!
my family don't let me hang out by myself, cos worry-ing me..
so they decide to shopping togather me lu~~ hehe...
what i bought at Midvalley ne?
actually want to buy MNG and GIORDANO at there geh...
but haven't those style i want, then no buy any shirt of those brand lu...
I just walk walk around there, feeling to buy when i get any i feel those suit me.
ESPRIT normal T - RM69.90
PDI Boxes Suite - RM62.10 after discount After bought these, no others i feeling to buy then i going to meet up my dad and mum at Carrefour.
I saw something that i feeling to try.
my younger bro - Wilson and i..
my sis - VikieChinese Traditional Fashion - Cheong Sam had we try it on the spot.
It's a nice try for me, cos i never wear it before. :)
That's quite fun for us to play on the shirt try-ing.. hehe..
Will no forget the day~